Sauce Labs Integration
An active Katalon Studio Enterprise license. To learn more about activating your license, you can refer to this document: Activate Katalon license.
Install the Sauce Labs Integration plugin
Download and install the Sauce Labs Integration plugin. You can download the plugin from the Katalon Store here: Sauce Labs Integration.
To activate the plugin, navigate to Account Settings in Katalon Studio and click Reload Plugin.
Sauce Labs for WebUI testing
Create a default Sauce Labs custom profile from the plugin
Go to Project > Settings > Plugins > Sauce Labs Integration. Enter your credentials and your desired Sauce Labs operating environments and systems, including:
Information | Description |
API Key | An API Key is the Access Key generated from the User Settings in Sauce Labs. You can refer to this Sauce Labs document for further details about retrieving the API key: User Settings. |
Username | Your username displayed in Sauce Labs. You can retrieve the Sauce Labs username in the User Settings. |
Browser's name | The execution browser you want to execute with. For example, Safari. |
Platform | The operating system you want to execute with. For example, macOS 10.13 |
Version | The browser version you want to execute with. For example, you want to run with Safari 11.1, input 11.1 . |
Job's Name | The test case name you want to present in Sauce Labs. By default, this is set to Default Job. |
Click Generate Sauce Labs Custom Profile to finalize your profile.
To view the newly created custom profile, go to Projects > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Custom.
The default custom profile is named
You can only edit the default custom profile properties from the Sauce Labs Integration generator in Project > Settings > Plugins > Sauce Labs Integration.
Create a Sauce Labs custom profile using custom desired capabilities
You can also create a new Sauce Labs custom profile using custom desired capabilities. To do so:
Go to Projects > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Custom.
Click Add, then name the new custom profile with the following syntax:
. Here, we name our profilesaucelabs_custom
. -
Click on More (...) under the Value column. In the Custom Execution Configuration Builder dialog, click Add, then choose Remote.
Click on More (...) under the Preferences column. In the pop-up Driver Builder dialog, specify as follows:
- Remote server URL: specify the Driver Creation URL in Sauce Labs. To find the Driver Creation URL, open your Sauce Labs account, go to Account > User settings, then scroll to the Driver Creation section.
Remote server type: choose Selenium.
Specify your Sauce Labs
. - Add other properties for your execution environment. You can refer to the Sauce Labs platform configuration here: Platform configuration.
`You can now use the newly created profile to execute tests.
Execute a test case with Sauce Labs profiles
Open a test case.
Click the dropdown list next to Run.
Select Custom capabilities.
Select your Sauce Labs profile.

Execute a test suite with Sauce Labs profiles
To execute a test suite with Sauce Labs profiles, do as follows:
Open a test suite.
Add the test cases you want to execute into the test suite.
Click the dropdown list next to Run.
Select Custom capabilities.
Select your Sauce Labs profile.
Execute a test suite collection with Sauce Labs profiles
To execute a test suite collection with Sauce Labs profiles, do as follows:
Open a test suite collection.
Add the test suites you want to execute into the test suite collection.
Double-click on the cell under the Run with column. A Select an environment dialog opens.
Select your Sauce Labs profile.
Click OK. Then click Execute.
View test execution results on Sauce Labs
To view Katalon test execution results on Sauce Labs, on the Sauce Labs Dashboard, switch to the Automated > Test Results tab.
You can see the test results displayed as follows:
If you are running with the
profile, your test result is uploaded to the US West 1 data center.Make sure to select the correct data center that you specify in the Remote server URL of your Sauce Labs custom profile.
Sauce Labs for mobile testing and hybrid application testing
To enable mobile and hybrid application testing with Sauce Labs profiles, you need to manually add capabilities in Projects > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Custom.
Then add mobile and hybrid application testing capabilities in the Sauce Labs document here: Appium Testing with Real Devices.