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Binary Statements

A Binary statement represents a dual expression consisting of two single expressions (variables, strings, numbers, methods...) and an operator, for example: +, -, *, <, <=, !, etc.). For more details about using operators in Groovy, refer to this Groovy documentation: Operators.

  • Once a test step is added as any of the control statements, it is not allowed to change into another keyword.

In manual view

  1. Open a test case in Manual view. Click on the drop-down icon of the Add button, then choose Binary Statements.
  2. To add a keyword under a statement, select that statement, then click Add. A test step is created under that statement.
    binary statement
    A test step representing a binary statement is added to the test case.

    add binary statement

  3. Double-click on the Input cell to edit those required components.
    Binary statements are normally used to assign either values to test objects

    Binary statement

    or test objects to variables to take the next steps.

    Binary statement

  4. Save the test case when you're done.
    Binary statements step

In script view

In Script view

The Script view of a test case allows you to programmatically define and handle binary statements using Groovy or Java languages.

For example :

  • To assign a value to a test object

    myText = 'Welcome to Katalon Studio'
  • To assign a test object to a variable

    myObject = findTestObject('my object') WebUI.setText(myObject, 'Welcome to Katalon Studio') WebUI.verifyTextPresent('Welcome to Katalon Studio', false)