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Update Katalon Studio

  • After installing the new version successfully, product reactivation is required.

The auto-update feature ensures that you work with the most recent version of Katalon Studio, with the latest updates and enhancements. Katalon Preferences are carried out to the updated version. By default, Katalon Studio automatically checks for the most recent version every time the application starts.

You can always find the latest update in Katalon Studio by navigating to Help > Check for Updates.

check for update


The in-app update function does not work when:

  • Upgrading from Katalon Studio - Platform Edition on macOS to Katalon Studio 8.6.0 and later.

  • Upgrading from Katalon Studio 8.x to 9.0.0 and later.

To use the newest version, you need to download from the Katalon website: Download Katalon Studio.

Suppose a new version is available, the Katalon Studio New Update dialog displays. Otherwise, your Katalon Studio is up to date.

new update dialog

Remind me later New Update will be prompted again after the next app reload or launch.
Ignore This Update New Updates dialog will not be displayed any more if this option is selected.
Download New version will be downloaded immediately.

If you select the Download option, Katalon Studio starts downloading the new version. Meanwhile, you can observe the Job progress bar located at the bottom right screen corner. You can also stop downloading anytime by clicking Cancel. It might take some time to complete the download, depending on your network connection.

downloading update

Once the download ends, the Katalon Studio Update dialog appears:

install and relaunch

To install and relaunch the new version, select Install and Re-launch.