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Explore Katalon Studio

After you have generated your first API test case or web test case using Web Recorder and added it to a test suite for execution, explore the unique testing capabilities of Katalon Studio.

This document shows you the capabilities of Katalon Studio in the testing cycle, along with some unique capabilities when creating automated tests.

If you are new to Katalon Studio, learn how to use the product with .

Katalon Studio in the testing cycle

Katalon Studio is an IDE for automated test creation, empowering you with the capabilities to complete most tasks in the testing cycle.

Create test scripts

The Record and Spy utilities help generate automated test cases by interacting with your application under test. Katalon Studio comes with an editor feature where you can add assertions and develop your test scripts with our built-in keywords.

Using the web recorder in Katalon Studio

In Katalon Studio, you can script your test case using both the manual view and the script view. Switching between two modes without switching interfaces helps you move from manual to automated testing easier as you learn how to generate test scripts using a low code approach.

Refer to the following documentation for next steps in developing your test cases:

Organize test cases

Group relevant test cases together into test suites and test suite collections for certain testing goals using Katalon Studio.

Refer to the following documentation to organize your test cases:

Execute tests

After creating your tests in Katalon Studio, you can execute your tests in different scenarios and environments to ensure full test coverage.

When registering for a free trial of Katalon Studio, you also have 30-day trial for Katalon Runtime Engine - our add-on for console execution, which can further applied in CI/CD, and 30-day trial for Katalon TestCloud - our cloud-based test environment.

Refer to the following documentation for best practices when executing tests in Katalon Studio:

Analyze reports

During and after execution, Katalon Studio automatically generates execution logs, report summaries and report files for you to analyze your test results. You may also share test results to Katalon Platform, or via email and other communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft to notify team members in real time.

Playback and Debug your test case

After you created your first test case, you can playback the test to see if it works as expected.

If there is any error with your test case, you can use the debug mode of Katalon Studio.

Katalon Studio capabilities

This section shows you capabilities unique to Katalon Studio.

Application Under Test (AUT) Testing CombinationKatalon Studio allows combining multiple application types (Web UI, API, Mobile & Desktop) in one project and execution flow. You can test this capability using our GitHub sample projects.
Flexible test design optionsKatalon Studio test scripts are interchangeable between two interfaces: manual and script editors. This enables a team with a mixed level of automation testing skills to work effectively and efficiently in the same project.
Self-healingThe self-healing mechanism deals with broken locators during execution to reduce the test maintenance effort. For more details, see Self-healing tests.
Smart WaitSmart Wait "tells" the WebDriver to wait for the web page to become static before performing any operations. This reduces the risk of test failures caused when the page has not fully loaded. For more details, see Smart Wait function.
Time CapsuleTime Capsule enables you to restore the Application Under Test to its previous state before the test failed, for example if locators did not find the expected Web UI objects. Learn more about this capability.