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Toolbars and views in Katalon Studio


The main Toolbar contains the most common actions you usually perform, for example: creating test resources or executing automated tests.

System features

Icon Description
KS save iconSave the currently opened test artifact.
KS save all iconSave all opened test artifacts.
KS spy web iconOpen Spy Web to capture elements on websites.
KS spy mobile iconOpen Spy Mobile to capture elements on mobile applications.
KS spy windows object iconOpen Spy Windows Object to capture elements in Windows.
KS record web iconOpen Record Web to record WebUI test cases.
KS record mobile iconOpen Record Mobile to record mobile test cases.
KS record windows action iconOpen Record Windows Actions to record Windows test cases.
KS create test case iconCreate a new test case.
Open StudioAssist Preferences settings.
KS run icon

Run the currently open test case. You can select an app to run the test from the dropdown list:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • IE

  • Safari
  • Edge Chromium
  • Chrome (headless)

  • Firefox (headless)

  • Remote
  • Headless
  • Android
  • iOS (on macOS)
  • Windows

  • Custom capabilities
KS run and debug icon

Run and debug the currently open test case. You can select an app to run the test from the dropdown list:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • IE

  • Safari
  • Edge Chromium
  • Chrome (headless)

  • Firefox (headless)

  • Remote
  • Headless
  • Android
  • iOS (on macOS)
  • Windows

  • Custom capabilities
KS debug iconDebug the currently open test case. See Debug a test case.
KS stop execution iconStop the current test execution session.
KS command builder iconOpen Command Builder to generate commands for console execution.
KS execution profile iconExecution profile (testing environments) to be applied when running tests.
KS help center buttonAccess our Help Center and our Forum.
support and feedbackYou can also submit any feedback or further questions to our channel. Katalon experts and users will try to help you as soon as possible.

Plugin Features

Katalon Platform icon

Katalon Platform is our dedicated platform for QA orchestration, test analytics, and advanced reports.

Self-healing icon

Self-Healing automatically tries out other locators when the default locator fails.

KS Git icon

Command for Git activities. You can select these options by selecting these options that appear in the dropdown list (after enabling Git):

  • Clone Project
  • Share Project
  • Show History
  • Manage Branches
  • Commit
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Fetch
Jira iconImport test case from JIRA integrated account.

Tests Explorer view

The Tests Explorer view allows you to browse the structure of your project and access all your test artifacts. Using the context menu on the view, you can create new artifacts, organize the view's items, or drag and drop them to certain editor views if needed.

KS Tests Explorer View

Group Description
ProfilesList all execution profiles of the current project
Test casesList all test cases within current project
Object repositoryList all test objects of the current project
Test suitesList all test suites and test suite collections of the current project
Data filesList all test data of the current project
CheckpointsList all checkpoints of the current project
KeywordsList all custom keywords of the current project
Test listenersList all test listeners of the current project
ReportsList all generated reports of the current project
TestOpsContains all test runs from TestOps server
IncludeContains Cucumber features file and step definition
PluginsContains all plugins file of the current project

How to customize Test Explorer in Katalon Studio ?

By default, Tests Explorer displays all test artifacts. From version 7.0.0 onwards, you can customize Tests Explorer in Katalon Studio by selecting Project > Settings > Explorer. Uncheck test artifacts you want to hide, then click Apply and Close.

Keywords Browser View

The Keywords Browser view displays all available keywords supported by Katalon Studio, including built-in, custom, and utilities keywords. When you create a test case script, you can drag and drop the keywords in the Keywords Browser to the test case editor.

Layer 1


The editor is used to modify the detailed information of an object. Each test artifact has its own editor.

Test Case editor

A test case is a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of your software application.

When you open a test case, the test case editor contains the detailed information of that test case in the following tabs:
  • Manual tab
  • Script tab
  • Variables tab
  • Variables (Script mode) tab
  • Data binding
  • Integration tab
  • Properties tab

Manual tab

The manual tab displays the manual view, where the basic keyword-driven configuration allows you to create automated tests without coding. Refer to manual view for more details.

Script tab

The script tab displays the script view, where advanced users with a programming background can modify test scripts using either Groovy or Java language. Refer to script view for more details.

Variables tab

The variables tab shows all defined variables for that test case. Refer to public variables for more details.

Variables tab (script mode)

The Variables tab (Script mode) shows all defined Variables for that Test Case in Script mode.

Data binding

The Data binding tab allows you to conduct data binding at the test case level. You can refer to this document for further instruction: Data-driven testing at the test case level.

Data binding section

Integration tab

The Integration tab displays your configured integration in the project, for example: qTest, Jira, Azure DevOps, etc. Refer to Integrate test case for more details.

Properties tab

The Properties tab displays general information about the Test Case, including the Description and the Comment.

  • Description: You can add or edit this field to provide detailed information about the test case.
  • Comment: This field is read-only. The content is extracted and populated from the comment keyword in the test case. You can leverage the comment field to involve in development process of your company by providing requirements in the comment. For more information about the comment keyword, see Comment.

Test Object editor

To open a test object, go to Tests Explorer > Object Repository and select the object you want to open. The test object editor displays all detailed information of a test object, including properties and object identification mechanisms. Refer to Spy Object for more details.

The test object editor

Web Service editor

To open a Web Service, go to Tests Explorer > Object Repository and select the Web Service you want to open. When you open a RESTful or SOAP request object, the Web Service editor displays detailed information of the current project, including the resource URL, request methods, and parameters. Refer to RESTful and SOAP for more details.

Web Service features

The main toolbar contains API/Web Service testing related features to help you navigate around the app easily and intuitively.

The Web Service type in the toolbar

RESTful request object editor

SOAP request object editor

Request History panel

Request History panel displays all requests sent in Katalon Studio. You can access and retrieve them to work or save as a request object in the object repository. For more details, see Request History in Katalon Studio.

Test suite editor

A test suite (TS) is a collection of test cases.

When you open a test suite, the test suite editor displays detailed information of that test suite, including:
  • Main tab
  • Script tab
  • Integration tab
  • Result tab
  • Analytics tab

Main tab

The main tab displays basic information about the test suite, such as test cases to be executed, the execution mechanism, and data binding. For more details, refer to Execute a test suite.

Script tab

The script tab displays the script view, where you can set the environment, setUp, tearDown, or any configuration at the test suite level. To learn more about test suite configuration, see Test Suite.

Integration tab

The integration tab displays information regarding your test suite integration, for example, with qTest. For more details, refer to Integrate test suite.

Result tab

After you execute the test, the result tab displays the result of the latest execution, including the Passed/ Failed status of each test case, the summary report, all execution settings, and the execution environment.

Analytics tab

After a test suite execution, the analytics tab displays an analytics overview, including the last 3 recent runs of the test suite, execution statuses, and the average duration of the last 3 runs.

Test suite collection editor

A test suite collection (TSC) contains a list of test suites, which allows you to execute multiple test suites together in either parallel mode or sequential mode.

The test suite collection editor has two tabs: The main tab and the result tab. Refer to Test suite collection for more details.

Main tab

The main tab displays which test suites to be executed, the profile of each test suite, and the execution mode of the test suite collection.

Layer 1

Result tab

After you execute the test, the result tab displays the result of the latest execution, including the executed status and the Failed/ Total rate of each test suite. You can view detail results of each test suite by clicking Show details .

Layer 1

Data file editor

When you open a data file, the data file editor displays detailed information of the data file, including the data source and the data set preview. You can upload your data from an Excel file, a CSV file, a database query or create your own data file in Katalon Studio. Refer to Manage Test Data for more details.

  • Import Data File with an Excel file:

    Import an excel data file

  • Import Data File with a CSV file:

    Import an CSV data file

  • Create Data File manually using Katalon Studio:

    Internal data

  • Import Data File with a Database Query:

Checkpoint editor

When you open a checkpoint, the checkpoint editor displays the detailed information of the test data, including the data source and its taken snapshot. Refer to Manage Checkpoints for more details.

Checkpoint editor

Keyword editor

When you open a custom keyword, the keyword editor displays the keyword content in script view. This scripting editor is similar to the script view of test cases, where you can define new custom keywords using Groovy or Java. Refer to Introduction to custom keywords for more details.

Keyword editor

Global variables view

The global variables view allows you to browse the list of defined global variables in your project. You can either view your global variables in manual view or in script view. Refer to Global Variables for more details.

Manual view

Layer 1

Script view

Layer 1

Job progress view

The Job Progress view allows you to see the progress of executing test cases and test suites/test suite collections.

The job progress view

Problems view

The Problems view shows errors and warning messages raised when setting up a project or designing a test case, test suite, test object, or test data.

Event Log

The Event Log displays all run-time activities from all plugins and integrations enabled for your test run. Refer to Plugin for more details.

Layer 1

Console view

The Console view shows the system logs of all run-time activities performed while Katalon Studio executes the automated test. The console output generated from test scripts is also displayed here.

Layer 1

Log Viewer view

The Log Viewer shows the real-time report/log of the test execution. Refer to View Execution Log for more details.

Layer 1

Click on the expand button to see more information in the Log Viewer.

The log viewer expanded

Report view

The report view allows you to view detailed information of completed test execution for a certain test suite.

The report view

You can use the search bar to find the desired information in your report.

Test suite collection report view

The test suite collection report view allows you to view detailed information of completed test execution for a certain test suite collection. Refer to Test Suite Collection Report for more details.

The test suite collection report