Test Case Preferences in Katalon Studio
With Test Case preferences, you can define the default behaviors related to your test case design. This includes:
- Test Case Calling
- Default Open View
- Default Keyword Type
- Line-wrapping settings
To configure your Test Case preferences, go to Katalon Studio > Preferences > Katalon > Test Case.
Test Case Calling
The Test Case Calling option allows you to specify how Katalon Studio should behave when you call another test case as a test step. To learn more about this function, see Call Test Case.
For example, we call the "TC1_Verify Successful/Login test case", with two variables named Username
and Password
. Their variables are displayed in the image below:
Generate variable with default value: The called test case uses the default value of its variables.
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Main Test Cases/TC1_Verify Successful Login'), [('Username') : 'John Doe', ('Password') : 'ThisIsNotAPassword'], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)
Generate variable with the same name as the exposed variable of the called test case: The called test case uses its variable names as variable values.
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Main Test Cases/TC1_Verify Successful Login'), [('Username') : Username, ('Password') : Password], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)
- Expose variables automatically after choosing the called test case: At the Variables tab, all variables of the called test case are also added to the current test case.
To learn more about supported types of variables in Katalon Studio, refer to this document: Variable Types.
Default Open View
By default, Katalon Studio opens your test case in the manual view. You can choose to always open your test case in the manual view or the script view.
Default Keyword Type
- Default Keyword: Based on your frequently used types of testing, you can set the Default Keyword Type as WebUI, Mobile, Cucumber, Web Service, Windows, or TestNG. For example, you set the default keyword type as
. In the test case editor, whenever you click Add, a new WebUI keyword is added as a new test step.
In each keyword type, you can also set a default keyword. For example, you set Accept Alert as the default keyword for the WebUI keyword type. In the test case editor, whenever you click Add, the Accept Alert is added as a new test step by default.
Line-wrapping Settings
When you edit in script view, depending on how you want to view your scripts, you can enable/disable the line-wrapping to wrap up the code lines in customized maximum line width.
When switching from the manual mode to the script mode, you can also wrap the code lines by pressing a keyboard combination of ⌘+Shift+F for macOS or Ctrl+Shift+F for Windows and Linux.
Line-wrapping disabled:
Line-wrapping enabled:
See also: