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Specify a path to Android SDK root folder

  • Katalon Studio version 8.1.0 onwards
  • Katalon Runtime Engine version 8.1.0 onwards

You can use a custom Android SDK location instead of the Katalon Studio default location. From version 8.1.0 onwards, Katalon Runtime Engine supports the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to specify a path to Android SDK root folder. To configure environment variable with KRE commands, see: General arguments.

Specify a path to Android SDK root folder

By default, the Android SDK root folder is located at ~/.katalon/tools/androidsdk. You can rename or move your Android SDK root folder to another location and use the ANDROIDHOME environment variable to point the path to that new location. See also: [Mobile] Android Setup.

Command-line option

Start Katalon Studio with this command-line option instead of double-clicking on the Katalon app:

  • For Linux and macOS:

    $ export ANDROID_HOME=<Your Android SDK

    For example:

    $ export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/dev/android-sdk-linux
    $ ./katalon <arguments>
  • For Windows:

    1. In the Windows explorer search bar, search for Edit the system environment variables.

    Edit the system environment variable

    The System Properties dialog appears. Click Environment Variables.

    system properties

    2. In the System variables, click New to create a new environment variable like so:

    • Variable: ANDROID_HOME
    • Value: your custom path to the Android SDK root folder


    Window Environment Variable


For Appium to locate the tools, keep the ADB file and these folders as their original names:

  • build-tools
  • platform-tools
  • tools