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Test Execution Overview

Katalon Platform offers a variety of test execution solutions, giving testers the flexibility of choosing the execution environments and behaviors. This document is an overview of test execution methods offered by Katalon Platform and their common use cases.

Test methods

Katalon Platform provides scalable test executing solutions across local, on-premises, and cloud environments. Specifically, the platform offers the following methods.

Integrations with other vendors for cloud execution

Besides the provided methods, you can further extend Katalon tools by integrating with other software testing vendors. These integrations allow you to execute Katalon tests in cloud environments and devices created by other platforms, for web or mobile applications.

The integrations for test execution include:

ProductDescriptionSupported Katalon Studio versions
TestCloudExecute tests on the cloud with the most popular browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices. See: Supported environments for Katalon TestCloud.
AWS Device FarmExecute your Katalon test scripts with devices provided on AWS Device Farm by using aws-device-farm-integration.
App CenterExecute your Katalon test scripts with devices provided on App Center Test by using sideload to package Katalon projects in JUnit format.
BrowserStackExecute your tests on BrowserStack Selenium Grid from your Katalon Studio instance. You can also try our cloud-based test environment, see TestCloud overview.v7.0.0+
CircleCISet up a CircleCI test environment to schedule and execute tests remotely with Katalon TestOps.
Docker image
  • Run tests with Katalon Docker image (KDI), which contains up-to-date browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Katalon Studio. With KDI, you do not need to use the Katalon Studio and Katalon Runtime Engine apps installed on your local machine.
  • Create a Docker Test Environment with a compatible Agent in Katalon TestOps. See Docker Test Environments.
KubernetesCreate a Kubernetes (EKS) test environment to execute or schedule Test Runs in Katalon TestOps.
  • Execute automated tests on Kobiton devices.

  • Plan and run your tests on Kobiton devices with Katalon TestOps.

LambdaTestRun your tests on LambdaTest Selenium Grid from your Katalon Studio instance.v7.8.0+
Sauce LabsExecute tests with Sauce Labs profiles and view Katalon test execution results on Sauce Labs using the Sauce Labs Integration from Katalon Store. You can also try our cloud-based test environment, see Katalon TestCloud overview.v7.0.0+
Custom integrationDefine desired capabilities in different environments for a Katalon project.v7.0.0+
pCloudy*Execute mobile and web automation tests with Katalon Studio on pCloudy mobile devices and browsers.

Use Cases

The following are some common use cases for test executions in Katalon Platform.