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Contributing Guidelines for Katalium Server

Katalium Server is open-sourced at


The GUI of Katalium Server is built with ReactJS and Create React App (CRA). This GUI is only enabled in Grid mode.

The recommended NodeJS version is 10.16.0 or newer.

Executing the following commands to start:

cd web
npm install
npm run start

CRA scripts will start a server at http://localhost:3000 with API requests forwarded to Selenium Grid at http://localhost:4444.


Importing as Maven project into IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code or Eclipse.

To start the server in standalone mode, use entry class com.katalon.kata.server.KatalonServer.

To start the server as a hub, use entry class com.katalon.kata.server.KatalonServer with arguments -role hub -servlets com.katalon.kata.servlet.ListSessionsServlet,com.katalon.kata.servlet.KatalonConsole,com.katalon.kata.servlet.ScreenShotsServlet,com.katalon.kata.servlet.ConfigSessionsServlet,com.katalon.kata.servlet.SessionServlet.

To start the server as a node, use entry class com.katalon.kata.server.KatalonServer with arguments -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register -proxy com.katalon.kata.proxy.KatalonProxy.


For more detailed infomation please refer to Jenkinsfile.


Selenium Grid