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Release notes



Migrated Katalon Recorder to Manifest V3. This ensures the functionalities of Katalon Recorder, as Manifest V2 is scheduled to be disabled by Google.

Known issues

  • KR may not be able to interact with Angular-based elements.
  • Pop-ups of application under tests are hidden behind the main screen.

We're actively working on resolving these issues and will provide solutions in the next updates.



  • You can now conveniently log in using your Gmail or GitHub accounts. This will allow you to connect with other Katalon users, receive support on the Katalon Forum, obtain Katalon Certificates, and provide direct feedback to our product team.

  • The link for the Talk to Us button has been fixed, you can now conveniently schedule sessions with our product team.


New Features

  • Introduced options to import Selenium 4 test scripts into Recorder and export test scripts from Recorder to Selenium 4 languages: Java, Python, C#, Ruby.

  • Introduced the new collapsible navigation bar.

  • Introduced options to navigate between cells using Tab key and Shift + Tab key.

  • Introduced the ability to import Global Variables profiles into Recorder.


  • [TestOps integration]:

    • When clicking on the TestOps Dashboard in Recorder, if you have an active Katalon session, Recorder will bypass the authentication step and direct you to the Projects section immediately.

    • When executing a test with your browser open to a TestOps tab, Recorder automatically opens a new tab for execution.

  • Added 4 new sample projects.


New features

  • When there is a pause upon error during test execution, Katalon Recorder automatically pops up.
  • After an execution using toggle breakpoint, Katalon Recorder automatically pops up.


  • Improved test execution using CLI.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Undo/Redo functions did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Shift + Key Up/Down did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking outside the Add new tag box did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the newly created test case was not visible after recording.
  • Fixed an issue where the feedback window did not close after submitting feedback.
  • Fixed an issue where the Onboarding Tour steps were misplaced when replayed.



  • After a test execution, Katalon Recorder automatically pops up.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the command assertConfirmation did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where Katalon Recorder selected a test step and a cell at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue where In Startnull errors keep occurring.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not close the Open Test Suite drop-down.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not create a new dynamic test suite.
  • Fixed an issue where the Target section had XPath errors.



  • Introduced the new shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + click to select multiple test steps.


  • Improved the recording capabilities:
    • Show notifications during the recording process.
    • Recorder automatically pops up after the recording process is completed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where copied test steps were pasted in the wrong place.
  • Fixed an issue where selected test steps were blank in the dark mode.


Features - Introduced a new onboarding tour. - Introduced tutorials for advanced features. - Added sample scripts on data-driven testing and other use cases to Sample Projects.

Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where newly created test cases were misplaced. - Fixed an issue where the Reference section did not show information on commands.


Improvements - Introduced the ability to pause or continue a test execution upon error. - Added more options to select multiple cells using Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Up/Arrow Down. - Introduced the ability to use Tab button to navigate between cells.

Bug fixes - [Profiles] Fixed an issue where Duplicated global variables warning keeps popping up. - [Self-healing] Fixed an issue where approved locators show up in Command section instead of Target section. - Fixed an issue where Katalon Recorder jumps during navigation between cells. - Fixed an issue where wrong cells are highlighted during copy and paste. - Fixed an issue where double-click selects all the text values in a field.


Features - Introduced the configuration option to pause or continue test execution upon test failure. - Introduced the floating toolbar to edit values of fields quickly.

Improvements - Improved the ability to group and edit multiple test steps. - Improved test editing capabilities: - Introduced the ability to edit commands and values within a test step. - Introduced the multi-line text value capability, which wraps any long text value into a short space.

Bug fixes - Users cannot use a CSV file in test cases on some Windows machines.

Shiny new things - The ability to export multiple test cases to Selenium frameworks. - Improve visibility Template Dialog.

Improvement - Improve exporting tests to Java Junit, Java TestNG, Python.

Bug fixes - Fix issues cannot progress through Generating Selenium tests in the on-boarding flow.

Shiny new things - Add the ability to export test projects to Katalon Studio.

Bug fixes - Users cannot see failed tests when they upload them to TestOps.

Bug fixes - Users now can navigate between Target, Command and Value using tabs again. - Users can now restore their backup data from TestOps again. - Breakpoints are remembered when users switch between test case again. Improvements - Auto-suggested options now will disappear when users interact with other elements. - Test cases' execution status will be retained when users stop the execution mid-way. - Added an explanation via tooltip when users use Save Test Case functionality the first time.

Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where Play from here / Play all executes tests in the wrong order when creating a new test case or duplicating a test case.

Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where JSON files cannot be read as expected

Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where users cannot execute tests with CSV files on Windows. - Fixed an issue where copy and pasting a command does not work as expected. - Fixed an issue where users cannot open .krecorder files. - Fixed an issue where users can't see test steps' statuses after executions. - Fixed an issue where users can't visually distinguish between passed and failed tests.


Improvements - Roll out a completely reworked UI/UX. - Users can now duplicate a test suite along with all of its test cases through an option in context menu. Bug fixes - Fixed an issue where Goto, AppendToCSV and WriteToCSV commands do not work as expected. - Fixed an issue where autosuggestion dropdowns do not disappear after selecting an option. - Fixed an issue that prevents users from singing up a Katalon account in-app.


  • Improvements
    • Add sample project "Upload a set of images sand their metadata" to showcase how to use upload command.
    • Improve export function from KR to KS.
    • Users now can export recorded tests, tests using
      and while commands, tests containing verify/assert commands and tests using command runScript from Katalon Recorder to Katalon Studio.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix an issue where users cannot see the selected autosuggested command when navigating with key up/key down.

  • New features
    • You can upload files without specifying a target through Upload command.
    • This command simulates uploading files with drag-and-drop.
    • You can upload multiple files by separating the path with commas.
    • Note: It only works on Chrome as Firefox doesn't allow extensions to directly read from the file system.
    • > Help > Sample projects > Simulate uploading files with drag and drop.
    • You can write values to CSV files with writeToCSV and appendToCSV.
    • writeToCSV accepts a file name, a row number and a column name as the target where it will write the provided value to. For example:
      writeToCSV | data.csv,10,first_name |
    • appendToCSV accepts a file name as the target and a string as the target. For example:
      appendToCSV | data.csv |
    • > Help > Sample projects > Write values to a CSV file.
  • Improvements
    • You can read information of a CSV file into variables with storeCsv command.
    • After storing the result of the command to a variable, You can:
      • Read the number of lines a CSV file has.
      • Read the value at a particular row and column.
      • Compute the values from different cells in a CSV file.
    • > Help > Sample projects > Read and use values from a CSV file.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix an issue where KR CLI cannot execute on Windows.
    • The difference between paths on Mac and Windows made KR CLI unable to run on Windows. The problem is now fixed.
    • Fix an issue where selectWindow command is still executed inside a block that does not meet its if statement's condition.
    • Fix an issue where self-healing proposed locators are the expanded version of the locators instead of the original version that contains variables.
    • Fix an issue where You cannot export a recorded script from Katalon Recorder to Katalon Studio.

  • Improvements
    • Promote sample projects after 1st successful execution.
    • We think these sample projects will be helpful to make users successful with their first automation script.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix an issue where switching between test cases does not reset the test case view to the top. This makes users think their data are lost.

  • New functions
    • Add popup to ask users for their automation use cases.
  • Bug fixes
    • Contextual product tips' text are unreadable on dark themes.


  • New functions
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix issue type command does not work with multiline in textarea.


  • New functions
    • Add popup for users to rate KR on Chrome and Firefox store.
    • Add sample projects to contextual product tips.
    • Add the ability to download data files from KR.


  • Improvements
    • Improved registration process.
    • Since version 5.4.10, new users will have unlimited test executions, but can create only one automation script. To create more, a free account is required.
      • We have experimented with setting quota on the number of executions, but decided that it does not align with how users experience success with the product because the number of executions required to automate a scenario successfully vary greatly. However, when you want to automate more scenarios, it likely indicates that you have succeeded in automating one scenarios.


  • Improvements
    • Improved registration process.
    • Since version 5.4.6, new users will have to sign up for a free account after 4 successful executions. Our data has shown that users that have more than 4 successful executions are more likely to adopt the product.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed an issue where record and playback fails on Angular forms. Users could not record sendKey on Angular forms, which also makes playback fail.


  • Improvements
    • Improved registration process.
    • We are constantly refining the registration process to offer users the best experience while balancing againt our business needs.
    • Since version 5.4.5, new users will be able to execute 25 tests without being forced or suggested to sign up. However, when the quota is exceeded, you will need a free account and log in to continue your work.


  • New functions
    • Undo/redo mechanism to recover from mistakes while editing tests.
    • New Product Tours for both new and current KR users.
  • Improvements
    • Improved registration process.


New feature - Daily Usage.

Bug fixes - Fixed an error where sign-up dialog prevents people from using KR


  • Add some waitFor contextual menu actions (@anthonybriand).
  • Support more commands for Protractor exporter (@anthonybriand).


  • Now all data such as Test Cases, Test Data, Extension Scripts, etc. can be automatically backed up.


  • Added relative=top and relative=up to selectFrame (@svrnm).


  • Added dark-theme (by @pgroot91).


  • Enhanced the Robot Framework formatter (by @reyelts).
  • Fixed an issue where test suite file is malformed (by @UpUpDwnDwnLftRt).
  • Allowed to use variables in command names (by @zoldike-gh).
  • Added "Close All Test Suites" feature (by @UpUpDwnDwnLftRt).
  • Used the extension .html for saved files (by @olenitsj).


  • Added the Protractor formatter (TypeScript) (by @MilesLin).


  • Added the New Relic Synthetics formatter (JavaScript) (by @tanben).


  • Enhanced the underlying automation engine and the integration with Katalon Studio.


  • Supported "loadVars" for JSON-format data files.
  • Supported custom order for locator builders.
  • Supported "Play From Here" to execute a test suite from an arbitrary test case.

3.5.0 - 3.5.6


  • Fixed a bug with "chooseOkOnNextConfirmation".
  • Fixed a bug where KR crashes when processing values with patterns like "${variable" (missing the closing "}").


  • Supported storing returned values from "runScript" commands.
  • Fixed various bugs of "store" and "storeEval" commands.
  • Supported parameters in selectFrame, selectWindow commands.
  • Show variable types in the tab "Variables".
  • Added command "#" for writing comments.
  • Added command "storeCsv" for loading values from CSV data files.


  • Command names are now case-insensitive.
  • On Chrome, "sendKeys" and "type" (for file inputs) can now be used with all types of locators. The old versions required CSS locators.

3.4.7 - 3.4.9

  • Supported dragAndDropToObjectByJqueryUI for testing drag-and-drop functions built with jQuery UI.
  • Supported gotoIf, gotoLabel, and label for jumping to steps inside test cases.
  • Supported capturing screenshots upon failures.
  • Supported sendKeys for special keys (e.g. ENTER) on Chrome.
  • Fixed an issue with pause command.
  • Provided more details in logs for easier debugging.
  • Supported storedVars.key (or storedVars['key']) syntax in storeEval command.
  • Supported "Play From Here" (context menu) for playing test case from an arbitrary test step.

3.4.0 - 3.4.6

  • Supported plugins for export recorded Test Cases to other formats.
  • Fixed bugs.


  • Supported file uploading.


  • Improved performance.
  • Added XML formatter.
  • Supported loading variables from CSV file.
  • Added if...elseIf..else..endIf statements.
  • Added while..endWhile statements.

3.2.0 - 3.2.2

  • Supported screenshot capturing.
  • Allowed sharing variables across test cases.

3.1.0 - 3.1.2

  • Improved logging: Start Time, End Time, Browser, OS.
  • Supported uploading logs to Katalon Analytics (Beta).

3.0.3 - 3.0.4

  • Supported exporting to C# and MSTest framework.
  • Fixed bugs

3.0.0 - 3.0.2

  • Added new features: Play Suite, Play All, Speed Configuration, Pause, Resume.
  • Supported debugging: Pause, Resume, Breakpoints, Variables View.
  • Improved logging: Save, Clear.
  • Improved Test Cases authoring: Copy, Paste.


  • Added support for offline mode in Chrome.
  • Added support for Glob & Regex patterns in Assert & Verify commands.
  • Added confirmation before deleting all test steps.


  • Added support for CSS locators.
  • Added support for runScript & storeEval commands.
  • Fixed a bug in store… functions.
  • Fixed a bug in string interpolation.

2.0.0 - 2.0.9

  • First releases with Selenium IDE-based features: Record, Play, Selenese, Export to other programming languages and frameworks.
  • Fixed bugs.