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Create your first Katalon Studio plugin

This tutorial will walk you through creating your first Katalon Studio plugin. The plugin in this tutorial does two things:

You can find the source code of this tutorial here.

A Katalon Studio plugin is a Maven-based Java project, and also an OSGI bundle 1 project. A plugin contains these components:

  • The pom.xml to describe your plugin, what it is (name, version, vendor,etc).
  • The plugin.xml to let Katalon Studio know about all the extensions of your plugin.
  • All packaged codes of your plugin.


  1. Java SDK 1.8
  2. Maven 3.3+
  3. Download Katalon Studio version 6.0.3 (beta): win32,win64,macOS, and linux64.

Step 1: Create a Maven-based Java project

Let's create your Java Maven-based project with project structure looks like this:

├─── src/
│ └─── main/
│ ├─── java/
│ └─── resources/
│ └─── plugin.xml
└─── pom.xml

During this tutorial, we are using the example declarations below. These declarations can be changed depend on your specific needs:

  • com.mycompany.plugin is groupId.
  • my-first-katalon-plugin is artifactId.
  • com.mycompany.plugin is the default package.

Step 2: Update pom.xml

Update your pom.xml file with the template below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



<!-- REPLACE ME: Your plugin description here -->


<!-- Katalon Platform dependencies-->


<!-- REPLACE ME: Change your public export package here -->

The tags can be changed under REPLACE ME if needed.

Step 3:

Katalon Platform allows client plugins to contribute to Katalon Studio core features. All of the features are described at this link.

There are many extension tags here. Each of these tags is a Extension Point describing specifications to allow client plugins hook into Katalon Studio platform. A plugin can contribute to many extension points by declaring it in plugin.xml file.

For example, we want to Subscribe plugin installation event:


Above declarations mean:

  • id: the id of the extension point.
  • interfaceClass: the required interface class that client plugins should provide the implementation to extend this feature.
  • serviceClass: an internal service class.

To extend this extension point, we need to declare in plugin.xml as shown below:


Above declarations mean:

  • id: the unique id of the your extension. You can replace by any name but it must be unique.
  • extensionPointId: the id of the extension point. Simply change the id if you want to extend other extension points.
  • implementationClass: the class that implements the interfaceClass mentioned at Step 3. Next, we create it.

Step 4: Create your implementationClass

Create a class file MyPluginActivationListener under src/java/main folder:

package com.mycompany.plugin;

import com.katalon.platform.api.Plugin;
import com.katalon.platform.api.extension.PluginActivationListener;

public class MyPluginActivationListener implements PluginActivationListener {
// After this plugin is activated, we will print a hello message to console.
public void afterActivation(Plugin plugin) {
System.out.println("Hello, my plugin is: " + plugin.getPluginId());

Step 5: Build your plugin

Type mvn clean package and wait until the BUILD SUCCESS message is displayed from the command line window.

After the build completed, there is a my-first-katalon-plugin.jar under the target folder, we will need this to launch your plugin in the next step.

Step 6: Test your plugin

Open Katalon Studio (since 6.0.4) and activate Event Log tab that's nearby Console Log tab. All your plugin's message will be displayed here.

Launch your plugin by clicking on Plugin/Install Plugin menu and choose the jar was mentioned above.

You should be able to see the notification message Plugin installed successfully from Katalon Studio and the message Hello, my plugin is: is displayed in Event Log tab. Success!

Step 7: Create an execution event extension

To create an execution event extension, we go back to plugin.xml file of Katalon Studio Platform, and find the declaration of Subscribe KS execution event:


Now, we need to declare our extension in plugin.xml


and create implementationClass:

package com.mycompany.plugin;

import org.osgi.service.event.Event;

import com.katalon.platform.api.event.EventListener;
import com.katalon.platform.api.event.ExecutionEvent;
import com.katalon.platform.api.execution.TestSuiteExecutionContext;
import com.katalon.platform.api.extension.EventListenerInitializer;
public class MyExecutionEventListener implements EventListenerInitializer {

public void registerListener(EventListener listener) {
listener.on(Event.class, event -> {
if (ExecutionEvent.TEST_SUITE_FINISHED_EVENT.equals(event.getTopic())) {
ExecutionEvent eventObject = (ExecutionEvent) event.getProperty("");

TestSuiteExecutionContext testSuiteContext = (TestSuiteExecutionContext) eventObject

System.out.println("Test execution completed: " + testSuiteContext.getReportId());

This implementationClass just prints an execution completed message to console but you can extend this class to do more business logics. A good example for this is Slack Integration Plugin. You can see how it integrates with Slack application.

Step 8: Reload your plugin

Type mvn clean package and wait until the BUILD SUCCESS message is displayed in the command line window.

Click on Plugin/Uninstall Plugin to uninstall your first loaded plugin.

Click on Plugin/Install Plugin and choose the jar file again.

Step 9: Test execution event

Run the test suite and wait until the execution finished.

Look at the Event Log and the message should be displayed as shown below: