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Upload test reports from Pytest to Katalon TestOps

You can submit test results from the Pytest framework to Katalon TestOps.

You can download this sample project: TestOps Pytest sample.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Pytest file in a source-code editor, such as Visual Studio Code.

    open pytest in vsc

  2. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your Project.

  3. Go to Configurations > Integrations.

    The Integrations page appears.

  4. Select Pytest in the dropdown list.

    The Pytest page appears as below.

    pytest page 1

    pytest page 2

  5. Copy the command line in the Install dependency section and paste it in the Pytest file's terminal in your source-code editor to install the Katalon TestOps plugin.

  6. Create a new file named testops-config.json in your source-code editor.

  7. Copy the command line in the TestOps Credentials & Project section on the Pytest page and paste it in the testops-config.json file in your source-code editor.

    testops config in vsc

  8. Create a new file named

    conftest py file

  9. Copy the command in the Add Report section on the Pytest page and paste it in the file in your source-code editor. Save this file.

    paste content to conftest file

  10. Type the pytest command and press Enter to run tests.

    run with pytest

    You have run tests and uploaded their reports via Pytest.

  11. Go to Test Execution > Test Run Calendar.

    Your uploaded Test Runs now display here.