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Tests not loading when executing with Chrome version 92, 93, 94 in Windows

When executing tests in KRE in console mode on Windows with Chrome version 92.x, 93.x or 94.x, you might come across the following error: SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created from timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 600.000.

This is an issue from Chrome version 93.x and 94.x that doesn't allow the ChromeDriver to start as a Windows service. Here are a few workarounds for this issue:

  1. Set --disable-gpu and pageLoadStrategy: eager for the desired capability in Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Web UI > Chrome. Click Add, then input as follows:
    desired capabilities
  2. Downgrade to Chrome of lower version. To downgrade ChromeDriver versions, you can refer to this guide: Update or Downgrade WebDrivers.
  3. To use KRE with Chrome v93, we suggest you to fully update Chrome v93. When Chrome is being updated, let it update successfully before running the automation test. To make sure all of Chrome processes are ended, run the command: taskkill /f /im chromedriver.exe
  4. Increase the page load timeout by navigating to Project > Settings > Execution > WebUI, select Wait until the page is loaded option.