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Remote Execution for Mobile Testing in Katalon Studio

This tutorial guides you through configuring Desired Capabilities for executing mobile tests remotely with the local Appium server (Appium Grid).

Currently, Katalon Studio only supports testing an iOS application using macOS. With remote execution, you can use a Windows machine and remote to a macOS for iOS application testing.



Open your project in Katalon Studio and go to Project/Settings/Desired Capabilities/Remote:

  1. In Remote server URL, enter the Appium server URL and select Appium in Remote server type

  2. In Appium driver, select Android Driver for Android devices; or iOS Driver for iOS devices

  3. Add desired capabilities to the table

  • For Android app: you need to add platformName, platformVersion and deviceName capabilities


    In a remote machine, type adb devices in Command Prompt to retrieve deviceName (Id of an Android device/simulator)

  • For iOS app: you need to add platformName, platformVersion, deviceName, and udid capabilities


    In a remote machine, type idevice_id -l in Terminal to retrieve udid (id of an iOS device/simulator)

  • For Chrome browser on Android devices: you need to add platformName, platformVersion, deviceName, and browserName (its value should be chrome) capabilities

  • For Safari browser on iOS devices: you need to add platformName, platformVersion, deviceName, udid, and browserName (its value should be safari) capabilities

The above examples only show the minimum capabilities to run a Mobile test. Katalon Studio also supports other desired capabilities listed in Appium document.