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Version 7.x

Official Release - Version 7.9.1

  • If you upgrade from v7.9.0, you can use Help > Check for updates... for an in-app upgrade. Learn more
  • If you currently use a version prior to v7.9.0, download the latest version from our website. To reuse Preferences from previous versions, refer to this guide.


  • Support Chrome 88.
  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 88.


  • Bug: [Web Testing] Cannot run assertion test steps with the active web driver.
  • Bug: Cannot export execution reports manually on Windows machines.
  • Bug: [Katalon Runtime Engine] Cannot run the command generated by Command Builder due to the apiKeyOnPremise parameter.
  • Bug: An error displayed when moving the Search tab.
  • Bug: An error displayed when using Ctrl+Shift+O to remove libraries while scripting.

Version 7.9.0


You will not be able to use Check for updates... to upgrade to v7.9+ due to the core engine upgrade (but you can upgrade from v7.9 to later versions viaCheck for updates...).

  • Download the latest version from our website.

  • To reuse Preferences from previous versions, refer to this guide.

New features


  • Upgrade Eclipse IDE from version 4.6 to 4.16.
  • Upgrade Groovy compiler from version 2.4.7 to version 2.4.20.
  • Notarize Katalon Studio and Katalon Runtime Engine applications for macOS Catalina. Learn more
  • Enhance qTest Integration, including:
    • Support uploading screenshots in test results to qTest. Learn more
    • [CLI] Submit automation test status with build information to qTest Manager by -qTestBuildLabel and -qTestBuildURL. Learn more
    • Execution Status Mapping. Learn more
    • Map a Katalon test case to a qTest test case by database ID. Learn more
  • [Jira Integration] Import JIRA issue summary along with issue ID to form Test Case Name in Katalon Studio.
  • Update Javadoc 7.9.0.
  • Support Chrome 87.
  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 87.


  • Deprecated Katalon Studio version for Windows 32-bit.


  • Bug: [Incorrect Test Results] Katalon returned PASSED when test scripts contained invalid syntax.
  • Bug: [Web UI Testing] Instead of logging warning messages and marking PASSED, WebUI.verifyElementAttributeValue marks failed if the element is not present.
  • Bug: Katalon Studio IDE sometimes failed to save Groovy files' changes, including keywords, test listeners, step definitions while renaming test objects.
  • Bug: Performance issues of Applitools sample project. Learn more

Version 7.8.2


  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Support detecting Assertions in execution log. Learn more
  • [Time Capsule] Allow turning on/turning off Time Capsule in Project Settings (Go to Project > Settings > Execution > WebUI). Learn more


  • Bug: An issue of generating a Time Capsule for an error that doesn't cause test execution to fail.
  • Bug: An issue of showing "No application is started yet" when test execution is already started. Address here
  • Bug: Cannot generate execution reports when WebUI.comment contains invalid XML characters.

Version 7.8.0 - 7.8.1

New features

  • Support Time Capsule for optimizing fixing broken Web Test Objects. Learn more
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Support browser-based video recording. Learn more
  • [Windows Testing] Support coordinates-based recording with Click Element Offset and Right-click Element Offset keywords on both Windows Recorder and Native Windows Recorder.
  • Provide Checksum for each Katalon Studio package named all-packages.sha256 and Open source libraries's license scanning report in HTML named KatalonStudio-openSourceReport.html (Go to our GitHub Repository, download those files in each build's Assets).
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Allow replacing a built-in library with an external one for flexible libraries usage in a test project. Learn more
  • [Web Service Testing] Import SOAP requests from SoapUI and WSDLs having no service endpoints. Learn more
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Export BDD reports generated in Katalon Studio to display in TestOps. Learn more
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Support generating commands for TestOps CI in Katalon Studio's Command Builder.
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Allow overriding TestOps Project ID via command line.
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] View Releases in Katalon Studio's Test Explorer.
  • Provide in-app tutorials for new Katalon users to start testing Web UI, Mobile, Web Service and Windows applications (Go to Help > Tutorials > Select Web UI/Mobile/Web Service/Windows).
  • You can create a new project with Desktop type.
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Configure idle timeout for license usage management. Learn more


  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 86
  • Support Chrome 86
  • [qTest Integration]: Generate qTest - Katalon Studio parity report in HTML, sync up qTest test case version and test steps's content, and send Skipped test results to qTest. Learn more
  • [Kobiton Integration] Support SSO for authentication and corresponding command options. Learn more
  • [Jira Cloud Integration]: Support importing BDD Feature Files. Learn more
  • [BDD Testing Framework] Allow setting default package for step defenitions. Learn more.
  • [Mobile Testing] Support "Attributes" Selector Strategy and add "Verify and Highlight" feature to Mobile Spy/Recorder.
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration]: Support automatically retrying uploading Test Projects and Test Reports from Katalon Studio to Katalon TestOps upon failure.
  • Replace Katalon Help with Start Page for a new fresh look and more customized information for each user.
  • Reduce the size of Katalon Docker Image.
  • Discontinued new purchase of Katalon Runtime Engine DevOps license. Read more about Katalon Runtime Engine DevOps Sunsetting.
  • Display SKIP test status in execution reports.


  • Bug: An issue of not installing Smart Wait extension automatically on Chrome when running tests.
  • Bug: Failed to display items in table and tree views on macOS Big Sur.
  • Bug: [Katalon Studio Enterprise - Export Test Artifacts] Cannot export test cases.
  • Bug: [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Cannot import API from OpenAPI Specification 3.0.
  • Bug: [Katalon Runtime Engine] Cannot execute Dynamic Test Suites.
  • Bug: An issue of Katalon Runtime Engine activation failure on Katalon Docker Image.
  • Bug: GUI issues on Windows machines when scaling to more than 100% size of text.
  • Bug: [Test Object's Editor] Cannot display all object properties in a window screen.
  • Bug: API Requests with fileupload body uses a file path instead of a file name.
  • Bug: [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration]: Cannot display more than 20 projects fetched from Katalon TestOps (Beta).

Version 7.7.0 - 7.7.1 - 7.7.2

New features

  • [Katalon Record Utility] Support adding verification test steps during recording with Chrome, Edge (Chromium-based), and Firefox. Learn more.
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise - Web Service Testing] Import RESTful API with OpenAPI Specification 3.0.
  • [Web Service Testing] Import RESTful requests from WADLs. Learn more
  • [Windows Testing] Support passing Capabilities including appArguments and appWorkingDir for Native Windows Recorder. Learn more
  • Support using Global Variables in Email Settings.
  • [Katalon Runtime Engine] Allow selecting an Organization for license validation when activating Katalon Runtime Engine. Learn more
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Support integration with Katalon TestOps Vision for visual testing. Learn more


  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 85
  • Support Chrome 85
  • Install the Basic Reports plugin automatically for all users
  • Publish API docs version 7.7


  • Bug: [Katalon Runtime Engine] An issue of generating reports after execution
  • Bug: [Katalon Runtime Engine] An exception thrown when updating WebDriver automatically in Command Line. Address here
  • Bug: [Katalon Record Utility] Unable to locate Objects during execution if the objects are captured with such options as Merge objects, Duplicate objects, or Replace existing objects
  • Bug: [TestNG] Return incorrect test results when using the runTestNGTestClasses keyword

Version 7.6.6


  • [qTest Integration] Upload test results of the integrated Test Suites in Test Suite Collection to qTest
  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Display TestOps Plans in Tests Explorer. Learn more
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Enhance Self-healing Insights. Learn more
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Enhance UX of adding test cases to test suites
  • Support troubleshooting activation problems


  • Bug: An issue related to Test Objects' names in Katalon Record Utility
  • Bug: [Command Builder] An issue of setting the waiting time to update execution status of the Test Suite
  • Bug: [Windows Testing] Test execution failure caused by the default timeout of switchToWindowTitle
  • Bug: [Web Service Testing] An issue of saving test request's body

Version 7.6.5

You can download Katalon Studio version 7.6.5 here.


  • [qTest Integration] Include qTest Test Case ID in the name of Katalon Test Cases downloaded from qTest


  • Bug: [Web Recorder] Unable to use Run from here when recording web with Internet Explorer WebDriver v3.6.0.0
  • Bug: [Web Recorder] Unable to capture navigate actions when recording with Internet Explorer WebDriver
  • Bug: [Mobile Recorder] Unable to perform any actions on an Android Tab element
  • Bug: [Mobile Recorder] Unable to detect elements when spying/recording an iOS app
  • Bug: [qTest Integration] Unable to send test reports to qTest automatically
  • Bug: [Jira Integration - Katalon BDD] An issue of importing incorrect content of Feature files from Jira
  • Bug: [TestRail Integration] TestRail plugin does not support Manual Proxy Configuration
  • Bug: [Kobiton Integration] Unable to apply System Proxy configuration when retrieving Kobiton devices and applications
  • Bug: [Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration] Unable to upload test results to Katalon TestOps (Beta)
  • Bug: [Report Email] Unable to receive any emails or receive unexpected test suite report emails
  • Bug: [Test Listeners] Text field is not visible when renaming a test listener
  • Bug: [Katalon Runtime Engine] Unexpected stack trace is displayed at the end of execution

Version 7.6.2

New Features

  • Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration: Support associating a test execution in Katalon Studio with Release on Katalon TestOps (Beta) via command-line parameter. Learn more
  • Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration: Display the Executions table in Tests Explorer. Learn more


  • Bug: [Self-healing mechanism] Null Pointer Exception thrown when XPath/CSS locator is empty

Version 7.6.0 - 7.6.1

New features


  • [Katalon Studio Enteprise] Applitools Integration becomes a built-in feature with its libraries updated to the latest versions
  • Support updating Microsoft Edge (Chromium) driver in Katalon Studio Tools
  • Set Chrome as the default browser


  • Bug: Log Viewer displays incorrect test results if a test case has Call Test Case steps
  • Bug: [Desktop Testing] setText() keyword does not clear the current text before setting the given text
  • Bug: [qTest Integration] Unable to upload reports to qTest in qTest v10.1.0.0 or later

Version 7.5.10

New feature

  • Support importing test scripts of Selenium IDE version 3.x. Learn more


  • [WebUI Testing] Support Recorder and Spy with Microsoft Edge (Chromium)


  • Bug: [Mobile] An issue of missing mobile devices when using Custom Capabilities. Address #275

Version 7.5.5

New features

  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Support "Debug from here". Learn more
  • [Web Service Testing] Support parameterizing a SOAP request's service endpoint. Learn more
  • [Web Service Testing] Support defining body content of RESTful API requests with methods other than POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE


  • [Custom Keywords] Organize Custom Keywords in an alphabetical order in Keyword Browser and support categorizing them with keywordObject. Learn more
  • Improve Katalon Studio's performance of checking/unchecking test folders containing more than 50 Test Cases
  • Log Viewer has a new design: Root cause shown on the top of the stack trace and Test Object ID added to Selenium’s common exceptions for better debugging.
  • [Desktop Testing] Increase the default timeout and allow changing this default value when using switchToWindowTitle during recording and executing tests. Learn more


  • Bug: [Mobile] NullPointerException exception thrown by the startExistingApplication keyword when running on a Sauce Labs device
  • Bug: [Mobile] Unable to capture objects using Spy Mobile

Version 7.5.0 - 7.5.2

New features

  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Implement Native Windows Recorder (for Windows only). Learn more
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Send Test Suite Collection's report emails. Learn more
  • [Katalon Studio Enterprise] Support retrying Failed test data only in Test Suite's execution. Learn more
  • [Web Testing] Support a new WebUI keyword to upload files by drag-and-drop. Learn more
  • Allow setting a default execution profile at project level. Learn more


  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) 83
  • Support Chrome 83
  • [Katalon Runtime Engine] Improve execution log in CLI mode by printing out applied proxy configurations
  • Improve Proxy Settings with two separate types, including Authentication and System proxies. Learn more
  • [Web Service] Enhance WSDL importing feature. Learn more.
  • [Web Service] Support defining a content type for form-data HTTP Body of RESTful requests.
  • Downgrade the MySQL Connector/J, the official JDBC driver for MySQL, from 8.0.17 to 8.0.15
  • Upgrade the Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.2 for SQL Server
  • Enhance GUI of the following components: Image-based Testing in Tests Explorer, Katalon TestOps (Beta) Integration dialog, Activation dialog, and CAPTCHA error in the Activation dialog


  • Bug: An issue of OAUth1.0 Authorization
  • Bug: [Mobile Testing] Unable to scroll down to see all test object attributes
  • Bug: [Tests Explorer] Unable to open a feature file if it is not under the Include folder. Address #293
  • Bug: Window Objects' references in Test Case not being updated automatically when Windows Objects are renamed. Address #289
  • Bug: Exposing proxy password

Version 7.4.0

New features

Version 7.3.2 - 7.3.3


  • Bug: Unable to activate Katalon Runtime Engine on Oracle Linux Server 7.6

Version 7.3.1


  • [Katalon Runtime Engine] Improve execution log in CLI mode


  • Bug: Unable to activate Katalon Studio
  • Bug: Unable to open a containing folder of a package in Tests Explorer
  • Bug: [Web Service] An issue of saving HTTP Body content created with x-www-form-urlencoded or form-data option
  • Bug: [Web Service] An issue of handling API response in XML format
  • Bug: [Web Service] Unable to send a SOAP request behind proxy
  • Bug: [DDT] An issue of Database Connection settings being saved across projects

Version 7.3.0

New Features

  • Support Microsoft Edge (Chromium) on both Windows and macOS
  • [Windows] Support parameterizing Windows test objects. Learn more
  • Add a Notification icon


  • Support configuring Delay Between Actions in milliseconds in Execution settings
  • Enhance UI
  • Include the TestObject class in Katalon API Documents


  • Bug: [Runtime Engine] An issue of counting the number of execution processes
  • Bug: [Windows] An issue of debugging Windows test scripts
  • Bug: [Kobiton Integration] An issue of not displaying error message for invalid account
  • Bug: [BDD] runFeatureFolder throws exception when tests fail
  • Bug: An issue of configuring the port of Mail Server in Email settings
  • Bug: [API] Unable to send a request in macOS or Linux if its HTTP body uses form-data or file with relative path on Windows machine

Version 7.2.7


  • Bug: [BDD] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown when running a feature file
  • Bug: An issue of Smart Wait preventing request state in XMLHttpRequest from being read

Version 7.2.6


  • Bug: Fail to activate Katalon Studio Enterprise with Katalon accounts registered with unconventional domains such as .technology.
  • Bug: [Desktop Apps Testing] An issue of losing Windows test objects when users drag and drop their folders.
  • Bug: [Desktop Apps Testing] An issue with automatically updating Windows test objects' references in Test Scripts after a drag and drop.
  • Bug: [Desktop Apps Testing] Cannot identify Windows test objects by relative path.
  • Bug: [Desktop Apps Testing] Cannot create a new item with a right-click on a Windows object.
  • Bug: [Desktop Apps Testing] Cannot edit a Windows object's property.
  • Bug: [Mobile Testing] A performance issue of the setSliderValue keyword when testing with a Sauce Labs device.
  • Bug: [Mobile Testing] Fail to recognize iPad device and create a new remote session with iPad simulator.

Discontinued Support

  • Business Support Service

Version 7.2.5

New Features

  • [Web Service] Support configuring Content Type in HTTP Header separately from HTTP Body. Learn more.


  • [Kobiton Integration] Allow customizing Kobiton Server URL in Katalon Studio Preferences.
  • Enhance Smart Wait's performance during test executions.


  • Bug: An issue related to a failure of Swagger's importing multiple requests without operation ID.
  • Bug: An issue where Click step passes but no actual action is performed.

Version 7.2.4

New Features

  • Support editing JVM parameters in Execution Settings. Learn more.

Version 7.2.3


  • Bug: Cannot send SOAP Request due to failure in parsing WSDL definition

Version 7.2.2

New Features

  • [Web Testing] Support image-based object recognition. Learn more

Version 7.2.0 - 7.2.1

New Features

Changes and Improvements

  • Support ChromeDriver version 79.
  • Add Profiles to Test Suite Collection Report.
  • [Mobile- iOS] Support Install Dependencies and Install WebDriverAgent tools on the main menu. Please be noted that you have to install homebrew manually.
  • [Command Syntax] Support both -serverUrl and -serverURL arguments.
  • Make the DriverFactory.changeWebDriver() method a public method.
  • Support Open containing folder for Folders in Tests Explorer.


  • Bug: [Windows] An issue related to creating a project.
  • Bug: An issue related to saving Web Service Message.
  • Bug: Empty result tab after a Test Suite execution.
  • Bug: Test Script lost parens in method call after editing some steps.
  • Bug: [KRE] an issue related to the retry option.
  • Bug: [Web] Cannot set a timeout in Wait for options.
  • Bug: [Web Service Request] an issue related to saving HTTP Header.

Version 7.1.0-7.1.1

New Features

  • [Katalon TestOps (Beta)] Support Billing Manager role for being in charge of subscription. Learn more.
  • Support naming test artifacts, including Test Case, Test Object, Test Data File, Test Suite, Test Suite Collection, and Checkpoint with UTF-8 characters.
  • Automatically update keywords' references in other custom keyword classes when renaming or drag-and-dropping a custom keyword.

Changes and Improvements

  • [Web Service] Support all file types of the form-data option in HTTP Body when creating a POST request.
  • [Web Service] Support API responses in other languages.
  • Auto-healing Smart Xpath becomes a built-in feature of Katalon Studio Enterprise. For standard Katalon Studio users who have already subscribed to this plugin, please contact Katalon team via
  • Display a progress dialog when adding a bulk number of Test Cases to a Test Suite.
  • Handle SVG elements and add a context menu during Spying to capture objects.
  • [KRE] Improve running multiple projects with multiple sessions concurrently.
  • Support turning off Smart Wait with both global and local settings. Learn more.
  • [Web Service] Support redirection in POST request and 308 status code.
  • Tips: You're recommended to open large HAR files with other tools than Katalon Studio or keep those files not too large for Katalon Studio to read it.


  • Bug: Test Suite result is incorrect if a called test case gets failed when log test steps is disabled.
  • Bug: Web Recorder does not generate XPath locators for SVG elements.
  • Bug: [Mobile] Cannot run a browser test on Android device using Appium 1.15.0+.
  • Bug: Cannot create a new project when failing to read Sample Projects.
  • Bug: Cannot execute test scripts having import paths containing wildcard character (*).
  • Bug: Cannot start a browser when running with an iOS simulator.
  • Bug: NullPointerException when using Katalon Studio for the first time.
  • Bug: Cannot read variables in a custom profile if executing a test suite collection remotely.
  • Bug: Cannot execute test scripts that have Global Variables' names containing the $ symbol.
  • Bug: An issue related to saving changes in Test Case Variable View.
  • Bug: Katalon Studio does not read proxy configuration during Recording.
  • Bug: Web Recorder simultaneously generates NavigateToUrl keyword and action of an element.

Version 7.0.0- 7.0.10

New Features

Changes and Improvements

  • [Web Service] Encode special characters in query parameters.
  • Revert IEDriverServer from 3.141.59 to 3.6.0.
  • [Console mode] The katalon launcher is replaced by katalonc and there is a separate app named Katalon Studio Runtime Engine for executing Katalon Studio in console mode. Click here to download.
  • Convert qTest and Kobiton built-in integrations into plugins.
  • Display errors of test scripts in the Problems view.
  • Support ChromeDriver version 77 and IEDriverServer version 3.141.59.
  • Show a full stack trace of an exception thrown by custom classes in Test Hooks.
  • Support manually uploading test suite collections' results to Katalon TestOps (Beta).
  • [Web Service] Support passing proxy details through the script. Learn more.
  • Update documents of Katalon Studio API Specification to version 7.0.0.
  • Upgrade Apache POI to version 3.17.
  • Dynamic Querying Test Suite is renamed Dynamic Test Suite.
  • Add plugins reloading options to the Project Settings.
  • Support parsing the Request Message's template from the associated XSD file when importing test objects from WSDL.
  • Support adding the Organisation ID parameter to the Command Generator.
  • Support selecting a Katalon TestOps (Beta)'s organization on the activation.
  • Enhancement: Add some JVM options to reduce Katalon Studio's memory consumption.
  • Support a hotkey of Spy Utility in Web Recorder to capture objects. Learn more.
  • Update Quick Start in Katalon Studio after activation.
  • Support adding .gitignore and build.gradle files when creating a project.
  • Support uploading reports with pdf, HTML, CSV formats (generated by Basic Report plugin) to Katalon TestOps (Beta). Learn more.
  • Support submitting test run results with captured videos to Katalon TestOps (Beta). Learn more.
  • Support uploading the *.rp file to Katalon TestOps (Beta) to parse more information on test results.
  • Support creating a test plan right from the test suite collection screen in Katalon Studio to enhance the integration of Katalon Studio with Katalon TestOps (Beta). Learn more.
  • Support uploading Project Code from Katalon Studio to Katalon TestOps (Beta). Learn more.
  • Update the integration mechanism with Katalon TestOps (Beta). Learn more.
  • Update the integration configurations with Katalon TestOps (Beta) when a new project is created.
  • Support auto-filling the input of Katalon API Key in the command-line generator.
  • Support generating test results in JUnit format.
  • Support uploading reports of test suite collections to Katalon TestOps (Beta).
  • Remove unnecessary information in the console log when users execute in the console mode for the first time.
  • Support passing more information to the console mode execution with --info -buildLabel="text" -buildURL="text". See General Options in Console Mode Execution.
  • Upgrade the activation mechanism in Katalon Studio to seamlessly integrate with Katalon TestOps (Beta). See Activate Katalon Studio.
  • Merge the Plugins menu into the Tools menu.
  • Support MySQL Database version 8.0.17.
  • Support automatically reloading plugins when opening a project.


  • Bug: [DDT] Cannot get values from data files with database type in a test case.
  • Bug: Cannot log in to Katalon Studio with passwords containing special characters.
  • Bug: [Web Service] SOAP response has an empty header.
  • Bug: Cannot reload plugins with credentials containing special characters.
  • Bug: The Results tab of Test Suites/Test Suite Collection fails to automatically refresh after the first execution.
  • Bug: Show references of test objects fails to display the objects' references in global variables and test case variables.
  • Bug: Cannot send SOAP requests when WSDL files contain the relative xsi:schemaLocation.
  • Bug: [WebUI Keyword] The WebUI.clickImage keyword fails to perform.
  • Bug: [Web Service] getCurrentRequest() always gets default values instead of a variable's values passed from test case.
  • Bug: Incorrectly return code when Follow redirects is disabled in Web Service Request. More details.
  • Bug: Cannot save modifications in the configuration tab of the Web Service Request.
  • Bug: Cannot detect mobile test objects having parameterized global variables in their properties.
  • Bug: [Console Mode] To retry executing failed test cases in Test Suite Collection fails to return the correct exit code.
  • Bug: [Data Binding] An issue causes binding Variables to Test Data to fail.
  • Bug: [WebService] Verification Editor doesn't keep Unicode characters.
  • Bug: [Mobile Testing] Cannot retry executing failed test cases.
  • Bug: Web service response displays garbled text as non-Latin characters.
  • Bug: [Basic Report Plugin] CSV Report status is always Incomplete.
  • Bug: The Log Viewer’s cursor incorrectly renders when selecting a log message.
  • Bug: Newly added variables disappear after a switch from the Variable tab to another tab.
  • Bug: An issue related to Variable binding when the data contains special characters.
  • Bug: The Delay keyword doesn't work when the passing data is BigDecimal.
  • Bug: Har files disappear after having been opened for the first time with the current Web Service object.
  • Bug: [Custom Keyword] an issue related to the default package name when users create a keyword without entering a package name.
  • Bug: [Katalon TestOps (Beta)] Cannot navigate to the URL configured by users in View Execution History.
  • Bug: [Katalon TestOps (Beta)] an issue related to the error message when users create a new project for the invited team without permission.
  • Bug: [GlobalVariable] Cannot execute a script with a profile that has a Global Variable with invalid syntax.
  • Bug: [WebUI Keywords] The verifyElementPresent() and verifyElementNotPresent() keywords should return false instead of throwing an exception when the verified elements do not exist.
  • Bug: The Delay between actions fails to perform as configured.
  • Bug: An issue causes callTestCase to fail.
  • Bug: findWebElements fails when the Default wait for element timeout is set to 0 in the Execution Settings.
  • Bug: [Web Recorder] An issue related to the Cannot save entity: file path length limit exceeded. error when saving test objects.
  • Bug: Custom Keywords are not displayed in the Recent keywords after being used.
  • Bug: An issue related to renaming a folder with uppercase or lowercase characters. More details.