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Baseline collection

There are two ways a baseline collection is created:
  • If tests are executed in Katalon Studio or run with the CLI as a part of the CI/CD pipeline and their results are uploaded to TestOps, the System-generated Common Baseline Collection folder is automatically created to store the captured images.
  • If you schedule test runs in TestOps, you can select Visual Testing and choose Generate a new Baseline Collection. See: Schedule test runs.

To view a baseline collection, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your project on Katalon TestOps.
  2. Go to Reports > Visual Testing > Visual Baseline Collections.
    You will see all baseline collection IDs and their details (latest version, number of the baseline images in each baseline collection, and the test schedule that links to them).
  3. Click on the Baseline Collection ID you want to check.
    To customize the baseline collection, you can:
    1. Click on Pencil icon to edit the name of the baseline collection.
    2. Click History to see the older version of the baseline collection.
    3. Edit or delete each baseline image of this baseline collection.
    4. Select Pixel-based or Layout-based as the default comparison method for the baseline collection.
      • The default comparison method will determine the checkpoint status (such as Match or Mismatch) for all visual test runs that use the same baseline collection.

Upload baseline images and create new baseline collection

You can upload images to an existing baseline collection, or create a new baseline collection and upload images to it.

Upload baseline images

To upload baseline images, after you access an existing baseline collection, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Baseline Collection ID that you want to upload images.
    The list of baseline images appears.
  2. Click on Upload Images button.
    • If you have any unsaved changes (such as ignored zones, default comparison method, or pixel sensitivity), you must save them before uploading the image(s). Otherwise, the button will be disabled.
    Upload images button
  3. Upload your images.
    You can only upload PNG or JPG image files, with a maximum of 20 images at once.
  4. Click Upload.
You have successfully uploaded images to an existing baseline collection.

Create a new baseline collection

To create a new baseline collection and upload images to it, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Reports > Visual Testing > Visual Baseline Collections.
    The list of baseline collections appears.
  2. Click on + Baseline Collection button.
  3. Enter the baseline collection name, then upload your images.
    You can only upload PNG or JPG image files, with a maximum of 20 images at once.
  4. Click Create.
You have successfully created a new baseline collection.