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View re-run test results in Katalon TestOps


View Re-run Test Results

If you execute a Test Run multiple times, you can view the Re-run Test Results in that Test Run's summary and details.

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps, then go to your Project.
  2. Go to Reports > Test Runs.
  3. Click on the Test Run ID you want to view.
  4. Select the Test Results tab.

You can find the final status of a Test Run and its latest result here.

A re-run result has the Re-run # label next to its name, with # represents the re-run number.

rerun result page

  • The status of a Test Run is decided by its latest result.

View full Re-runs history

To see the detailed history of re-run tests, select the Test Results tab, click on a Test Result ID, then select the Re-runs tab.

The latest Re-runs display on the top of the list by default.

re-runs list