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Link Test Cases to Jira Requirements

You can link Test Cases to Jira Requirements and view them in both Katalon TestOps and Jira.


To link test cases to Jira Requirements, follow these steps:
  1. Sign in to Katalon TestOps and go to your Project.
  2. Go to Test Management > Test Cases. Click on a Test Case.
    The Test Case page appears.
  3. Enter the Jira issue in Jira Requirements (e.g., FLOW-13), then click on the Link icon.

The Jira issue is added to the Linked Issue section. You can click on the Jira issue to go to Jira and view the linked Test Case.

View linked Test Cases in Jira

After linking a Test Case to Jira Requirements, you can click on the Jira issue in Katalon TestOps, and it directs you to the Jira issue in Jira.

Click on the Linked Test Cases section to see the details of linked Test Cases.

View Requirements in Katalon TestOps

To view Requirements in Katalon TestOps, do as follows:
  1. Go to your Project > Planning > Requirements.
    The Requirements page appears.
  2. Scroll down to the Requirements section to view all Jira issues with linked Test Cases.