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Set up your Projects

A Project is created to organize and manage the members involved in the same Projects. Only members can view and access their projects.


You must be the Owner or Admin of your Project or Organization. Refer to the following topic for further information about roles and permissions: Administrative Roles and Permissions.

Create a Project

To create a Project, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to TestOps Admin.
  2. On the Account admin page, select your Organization.
    Account page
    You are redirected to the Project Management page of that Organization.
  3. Select Create New Project in the upper right corner.
    Project Management page

    The Create A Project dialog pops up.

    Create a project dialog
  4. Enter your desired Project name and click Create.
You are now the Owner of your Project and have full permissions of an Owner. For more information about roles and permissions, refer to: Roles and permissions at the Project level.

Add users to a Project

You can invite new users to your Project and they will automatically be added to your Organization right after.

To add users to your project, follow these steps:

  1. On the Account admin page, select your Organization.
    You are redirected to the Project Management page of that Organization.
  2. Select Invite Members in the upper right corner.
    Project Management page
  3. The Invite Members dialog appears.
    Invite members dialog
    1. Enter your users' email or group name that you want to invite, then assign a role and project(s) to users.
  4. Click Invite to confirm.
You have added your user(s) to your Project.

Remove existing users

  • By clicking Remove, you immediately terminate the current session that the user is working on with their online licenses in Katalon Studio. Perform this step with caution.
  • Removing a Licensed User working with an offline license does not revoke the license.

To remove existing users from your Project, do as follows:

  1. On the Project Management page, select your desired Project name.
    Project Management page

    You are redirected to the Project Details page.

    Project Detail page
  2. In the Members section, navigate to the extension icon next to the user you wish to remove, then select Remove user.
    Members section
  3. Click Remove user to confirm your action.
    Remove user dialog

Transfer Project ownership

  • In a Project, an Owner or Admins can reassign their roles or lower roles to existing members.

  • Users can have different roles in different Projects.

Follow these steps to edit a user's role:

  1. On the Project Management page, select your desired Project name.
    Project Management page

    You are redirected to the Project Details page.

  2. In the Members section, navigate to the extension icon next to the user you wish to edit, then select Edit member role.
    Members section
  3. The Edit Member Role dialog appears. Select the new role in the dropdown list.
    Edit Member Role dialog
  4. Click Save to confirm your action.