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Grant a Katalon license

The following document shows you how to assign Katalon Studio Enterprise (KSE) and Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) licenses to users in your Organization. To learn about license types, see: Katalon license types.

Licenses must be assigned to users before they can access certain features. Licenses can be transferred freely among registered users of an Organization.
  • For KSE per-User licenses, the number of assigned users cannot exceed the license quota.
  • For KRE floating licenses, there is no limit on the number of assigned users. However, to optimize license usage and avoid session termination, consider the following rules:
    • Each session accounts for one license.
    • The number of parallel sessions cannot exceed the license quota.
  • The Owner or Admin of an Organization needs to assign a paid license to all of their users to avoid mixed Katalon Studio and Katalon Studio Enterprise licenses within an organization. For further information, refer to the Free Offerings term in Terms of Use.

Grant an online license to users

  • You must be the Owner or Admin of your Organization.

  • You have already added team members to your Organization. If you haven't yet, see: Transfer a license between users.

Follow these steps to grant an online KSE/KRE licenses:

  1. Sign in to TestOps Admin and select your Account.
  2. On your Account admin page, choose your Organization.
    1. Once you're on the Organization admin page, select License to open the License Management page.
  3. Choose between KSE (per-User) and KRE (Floating) from the tabs at the top section of the page.
    1. To learn more about available license types, see: Katalon license types.
  4. In the Licensed Users section, click on the Assign License button.
    The license management page in Katalon Platform
    1. The Assign License page appears as below.
      Assign licenses to your users.
    2. Enter the user's email address you want to assign the license to. You can assign the license to multiple users.
    3. Click on the Assign License button to confirm. You have granted the online KSE/KRE licenses to your users.
You have granted an online KSE/KRE licenses to your users.

Users must now activate their KSE and KRE licenses. You can refer them to this link for more information about the activation process: Activate licenses.

About offline licenses

An Offline License allows you to use KSE and KRE without an internet connection. Once an offline license is generated, you cannot revoke or transfer it to a different machine.

  • You need to have a KSE/KRE Hybrid license. To learn more about a Hybrid license, see Katalon license types.

By default, an offline license expires at the end of your subscription period. It can also be set to expire earlier by inputting a different expiry date when generating the offline license file.

When an offline license expires, you can generate a new offline license file to continue using KSE/KRE offline, or you can switch to using an online license instead.

As a machine ID is required to create an offline license, Katalon generates a machine ID based on the hardware specifications and the user's account logging in to that machine.

For example, if User A logs in to A's account on Machine A, Katalon generates a machine ID X. If User B logs in to B's account on Machine A, Katalon generates a machine ID Y. This means that you need two offline licenses for User A and User B.
  • Once converted to an offline license, a KSE/KRE license is bound to a machine until it expires. You cannot undo this action.

Grant an offline license to users

An offline license allows you to use KSE and KRE without an internet connection. Once an offline license is generated, you cannot revoke or transfer it to a different machine. Learn more about how it works here: About offline licenses.

  • An KSE/KRE Hybrid license.
  • You must be the Owner or Administrator of your Organization.

  • You have already received the intended user's machine ID.
    • If you have not yet, then send this guide to your user so they can find their machine ID: View Machine ID.
Follow the steps below to create a KSE or KRE offline license.
  1. Sign in to TestOps Admin.
  2. From the Account admin page, select your Organization.
  3. Once you're in your Organization page, select Licenses from the sidebar.

    The License Management page appears as below.

    License management page
  4. Choose between KSE (per-user) or KRE (floating).
  5. Scroll down to the Offline Licenses section, then click on the Create Offline License button.
    Offline License section in the License Management page.
  6. Enter the User's machine ID and input the expiry date.
    • At this point, make sure to double check your machine IDs to ensure you are distributing the offline licenses to the right users. For detailed steps on how to view a machine ID, see: View a machine ID.

    Input your Machine ID.
  7. Confirm the information in the pop-up window, then click Create.
    The "create an offline license" pop-up.
  8. You have created an offline license. Note that:
    • For KSE, the newly-created offline license file is named KSE_<machineID>.lic and added in the offline licenses section.

    • For KRE, the newly-created offline license file is named KRE_<machineID>.lic and added in the offline licenses section.

  9. Download and transfer the offline license files to the user.

You have successfully granted your users an offline license.

Your users must now activate their offline licenses, refer to Activate licenses.